Do You Have Itchy Skin?

Do You Have Itchy Skin?

Hypoallergenic Bedding Made From Organic Cotton Can Help Your Skin

We are seeing a rise in the number of people with skin sensitivities, allergies and reactions to dyes and fabrics. And it is no wonder. Many sheets on the market, especially ones labeled "stain resistant" and “wrinkle-free” are treated with harsh chemicals like formaldehyde finishing resins, dyes, glues, chemical additives that can all cause watery eyes, breathing problems, sneezing, wheezing and itchy skin irritations.


Many fabrics are also blended with polyester and viscose that trap sweat and heat that can cause dry and itchy skin especially at night which can affect the health of your skin and make it difficult to get a good night’s rest.


Unlike the foods that we eat and the beauty products we put on our bodies, we probably do not analyse the health factors of one of the most intimate spaces in our homes - our bedroom. Our bedrooms should be a safe haven for our body, mind and soul. We spend more time wrapped in our sheets than with the clothes we wear.


During the journey of conventional cotton into a fabric, numerous toxic chemicals are added at each stage of growing, processing, dyeing and handling - these are pesticides, fertilisers, silicone waxes, harsh petroleum scours, artificial softeners, heavy metals, flame and soil retardants, fasteners, ammonia, dyes, colourants, finishers, caustic soda, sulphuric acid, bromines, urea resins, halogens and formaldehyde - to name just a few. And it is these toxic substances that make their way onto and into our bodies while we sleep forcing our body to fight an uphill battle so the body reacts in different ways. For many people it manifests in multiple skin sensitivities, respiratory disorders, hormonal disruptions and skin allergies.


Three main reasons why Certified Organic Cotton is good for your skin and will help stop the itching:

1. Absolutely no harsh chemicals, pesticides or toxic dyes are used at any stage from the cotton picking process to the end product

2. Organic cotton draws away the moisture and it breathes so does not trap any heat or sweat

3. It is extremely soft on the skin


With our sheets and all bedding products you can be reassured your skin is in safe hands knowing that no toxic pesticides, herbicides and other nasty highly toxic finishing chemicals are ever used. What starts as a pure organic soft cotton boll ends up in its same natural state - a soft organic cotton fabric.


Nothing but 100% organic cotton goodness.


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About the Author: Vinita is the Founder of Bhumi Organic Cotton and passionate about an Earth Life Balance

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