Vinita has been fortunate to travel to many exciting destinations on the planet and experience the beauty of nature and cultures of the world. With a background in Health and a Masters in International Public Health Vinita saw first hand the disastrous health and environmental impacts of traditional cotton growing with farmer suicides, child labour, pesticide poisoning, birth defects, harmful dyes and toxic water ways. After years in the field meeting with amazing NGOs, grassroots organisations and a growing movement of organic farmers, it was time for positive change. Vinita combined her deep love for the Earth, humanity and sustainable design to create Bhumi Organic Cotton.
Dushyant's passion for socially conscious enterprises and textiles, along with his finance and technology background, has seen Bhumi grow to a global platform. Dushyant's vision for all businesses today is to have a purpose beyond just profits. He strongly believes that businesses should be financially sustainable and at the same time provide economic, social and environmental benefits to local and global communities.
Read more about how we run Bhumi, our family owned business here (covered by Brands of Kin).