Conscious Celebrations This Festive Season

Bhumi Organic Cotton Festive Season Gift Packs


"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful" - Norman Vincent Peale


The festive season heralds the feelings of love, joy, giving, family, friends and connection and it is an important time to recognise and transform how we can impact ourselves and the world we live in. We need more conscious creations of loving atmospheres and the desire to connect deeply with family and friends. We need to infuse into the festive celebrations simplicity, nature and the intention to connect with the Earth and humanity at large. We need to connect with each other and ourselves. We need to recognise the love and light in everyone around us. We need to channelize the festive season and practice compassion, tolerance, selflessness, and gratitude every day. We need to allow the spirit and joy of the holiday season embrace us in the warmth and cheer of celebrating. 


Small shifts in how things have been done are paving the way for the new; natural decorations, recycled paper for presents, gift the gift of love, choose gifts that give back and really analyse the detailed impact of how we choose to celebrate and with what.


To remind yourself of your decision to carry the festive spirit in your heart, consider some small part of your celebrations to signify your commitment. Remember that giving, whether your gifts are tangible or of the soul, is always good and spreads love and joy; two fundamental elements for life. 


With your home build a space that attracts positive energy into it. Create a space that engages the feelings of happiness, peace, love and warmth. This can be done elegantly through music, food, natural decorations, live plants and lighting. Fill the air with candles or fragrant essential oils such as Cinnamon, Orange, Lemon and Clove all beautiful scents bursting with festive memories. Use cloth napkins instead of the throwaway serviettes, choose gifts made from sustainable materials & made ethically, and buy food produce from local farmers. Create your own ornaments for the tree, create your own Christmas tree and seek inspiration from the outdoors with branches, sea shells, vases filled with sand and shells and fill your house with delicious & vibrant plants that breathe life into your space.


Connecting the earth and humanity allows us to truly celebrate by sharing our greatest gifts infinite peace, love, understanding, and joy.


We have put together a list of our favourite home essential items that may help with your gift selection for your loved ones.


Bhumi Organic Cotton - Bathroom Bliss Starter Pack


Bhumi Organic Cotton - Spa Bliss Starter Pack

Bhumi Organic Cotton - Festive Feast Starter Pack


Bhumi Organic Cotton - Home Starter Pack


Bhumi Organic Cotton - Sweet Dreams Pack



About the Author: Vinita is the Founder of Bhumi Organic Cotton and passionate about an Earth Life Balance.

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